Monday 22 October 2012


Well guys,

here I am again. Shouldn't I be caring about my master thesis right now? Probably, though I feel like these structural equations are getting on my nerves. Taking care of my blog after a zillion of years just feels right :)

After weeks of silence, I would like to show you some photographs an Australian wedding magazine featured in their latest issue. Yes, you read right: I haven't published in Europe so far, but my shooting just hit an Australian wedding magazine. BIGTIME

I still remember how Rosie Barker (editor in chief at Wedding Style Guide International) and I exchanged first mails around the globe. We haven't even talked until now, but our next shooting is scheduled and will contribute to the coming issue down under.

This shooting attracted so much attention it has been published in another blog as well, So humbled to see how things evolve.

Awesome work, with great folks, here they are:

wedding stationery from Lea at daspapierlabor,
vintage china hire from Nadine at Lieschen und Ruth
Huge thanks to noni

Lean back and enjoy a shooting inspired by so many things I hav come to love so far. And enjoy everything Lea, Nadine and I have come up with. 

Be awesome,