Thursday 21 April 2011

engage | beer

Most couples tell me that they are having their first time standing in front of a professional camera, and this is where I like to tell everyone that they have all time of the world. Actually, I always look for a way of getting them used to the camera. Until they look very relaxed. This time, I think it worked again. What do you think? :)

And I loved spending time with this nice young man and this very lovely woman. 

engage | appreciated

You taste the cake, the buffet, you even get your dressed fitted: Why not getting a first impression of your photographer at work?
This is why I offer every interested couple a free photo session prior to my booking as their wedding photographer. Find below my very first shooting of this year: We had a great day and the couple has booked me to just another a beautiful summer wedding, in Southern Bavaria.

O' zapft is :)

Claudia & Alex

I thought this would be my last wedding, a civil one, for the season in 2010. So, I thought it better be a real winter wedding. The couple loved it and is looking forward to the summer wedding: Enjoy!