Monday 21 November 2011

Inga & Alex

Hey boys, hey girls,

finally Monday is over, and this week I am starting with something special: Well, I would like to tell you what, but I had to promise to keep my mouth shut until the results are published elsewhere :)

In the mean time, let me tell you that I had a couple that was happy to have a free portrait session last Friday. They came out and met me. Buffled by my offer, they said that they really wanted to but that they did not want their guests to have to wait for them. As some of the guests heard us talking, they literally urged the newly weds to stay for a session.

As I am waiting to publish more, hope they'll agree, find attached a first insight.

Love is precious, don't jeopardize,



Friday 18 November 2011

Love is precious, don't jeopardize

Hey boys, hey girls,

this morning I opened my inbox and saw a message that took my breath away: A friend of mine who got married last year received some shots to say hello after a while. I wasn't assigned as her wedding photographer, and she did not know that I was taking pictures (I love Ninja style), but of course I had my gear with me :)

We haven't heard of each other in a while, so I did not expect her to answer that soon. And when I opened it, I read how glad she was to have a photo of her dress in a very special situation on that day.

What really took my breath was the attachment she send me: A view from the womb, I saw on a high res ultra sonic scan of a little child. And this made me realize how stupid I have been in the last week: Always dedicating myself to something, I started to forget what my simple purpose on earth is: To experience love, and to share love.

Thus, I do not want to jeopardize love today. After reading that email and receiving so much love, I decided to share that love with couples that will get married today in my town. This morning, I will deliver 2 hour wedding coverages for free in Aachen. Stay tuned to see whether somebody had the courage to book me :D

Love is precious, don't jeopardize,


Wednesday 31 August 2011

Never give up!!!

Hey boys, hey girls,

as I started last year, I was busy shooting couples and trying to be referred by wedding planners. A wedding planner I contacted responded in first place that my pictures were crappy.
Taking this as a challenge I worked even harder and explored other photograhic fields.
Having improved my style and work, I wrote her again. Her answer was devastating: You are missing the right moments, your way of photography is not what (my) high class brides would expect.
This critique made me thinking of closing my business. Fortunately friends ecnouraged me not  to give up. Reminding me of earlier weddings I shot beyond everybodies expectations, I went on. Believe me: It has been a rocky path.

Where am I today? A bride called earlier this month, telling me she chose another photographer. WAIT A MINUTE: Why should a bride call you in order to tell you this if not to acknowledge the quality of your work? Shortly before that, a bride called telling me that she wanted me as her wedding photographer and that she did not contact any other photographers as she loved my work on her sister's wedding. In the mean time, wedding planners that are among the best in the German wedding industry referred me to their clients and appreciate my work.

Looking at all this I am humbled about how this could happen just in a year. I believe that it is grace that I am talented in photography, got nothing to do with me but with God offering this gift. And I want to encourage you, what ever people tell you to put you down, whether you believe in God or not: Don't you ever give up. God has gifted you and me way beyond our understanding (you should see my face when I do my back ups :) ).

Let's get outside and discover our gifts!



Friday 27 May 2011

Sabine & Daniel

I have the pleasure to present you the photographs of my very first wedding in 2011. The year has just started, yet this wedding already has some photographs I might keep as my all time favorites.


Thursday 21 April 2011

engage | beer

Most couples tell me that they are having their first time standing in front of a professional camera, and this is where I like to tell everyone that they have all time of the world. Actually, I always look for a way of getting them used to the camera. Until they look very relaxed. This time, I think it worked again. What do you think? :)

And I loved spending time with this nice young man and this very lovely woman. 

engage | appreciated

You taste the cake, the buffet, you even get your dressed fitted: Why not getting a first impression of your photographer at work?
This is why I offer every interested couple a free photo session prior to my booking as their wedding photographer. Find below my very first shooting of this year: We had a great day and the couple has booked me to just another a beautiful summer wedding, in Southern Bavaria.

O' zapft is :)

Claudia & Alex

I thought this would be my last wedding, a civil one, for the season in 2010. So, I thought it better be a real winter wedding. The couple loved it and is looking forward to the summer wedding: Enjoy!